See’s Candies are for you- Mary See doesn’t take kindly to those who give them away.

Keep it in the Family.

The Sacred Omertà Omeltà

Mary See’s 5 Principles

All great families have their Omertà, the code they live by. The Sees have their Omeltà.

Mockumentary Trailer

Social Posts

Instagram posts build out the fictional lore around The Family.

Digital Messaging

See’s will DM customers on Facebook who post about giving away See’s chocolates.

And email online customers who frequently select “gift” at checkout.

In Store Experience

If you ask to have your box gift-wrapped, you’ll be escorted out back by this guy….

And have your photo added to the wall of over-gifting.

Social- User Generated Content

See’s customers react to Keeping it in the Family


New Zealand


Liquid Death